Best Way to Make Money From Blogging – in 10 Minutes

We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post without any additional cost to you.

Do you want to know how to make money from blogging?

How to make money as a blogger?

Can you make money by blogging?

Can blogging make you money?

How does a blogger make money?

Do you know how to make money from blogger?

Which are the methods to make money through a blog?

How to make money blogging?

How much can I earn through blogging?

How to make money with a blog?

How much do bloggers make?

Can you make money with a blog?

Which approach to adopt to make money from blogging?

You may be in a similar situation as you may be a person blogging for some time without any results. 

Perhaps you are unaware of what is going wrong.

Maybe you have gone up to the extent of doubting whether you can make money from blogging.

I will answer these questions is given in this post that will answer your question as “How Can I make money?”

However, successful bloggers have found a way to make money blogging and have attained mastery.

Let’s understand how it works and the known strategies and tactics that can be used to make money through blogging in 2022.

Let us go.

An Overview

First, let’s outline the goals around which we will frame this post, which will help you earn money from blogging or making money blogging.

This means that you will create blogs that make money.

The outline is as follows :

  • Zero in on the product or services you can sell to make money
  • Create the content around the products to attract the target audience to make a sale
  • Collect email of those target audience
  • Sell the product and services to the audiences who willingly have provided their emails.

Since you have set your goals, you can now frame your strategy and plan action. This will give you a better understanding of how your blog will make money.

The above steps are critical to making money through your blog. 

Determining how how does blogging make money 

To start with, you can plan to have an advertisement on your blog. However, you may not get the returns as per your expectation.

Apart from this, if you decide to sell advertising, it implies that someone is taking advantage of traffic on your blog.

Thus, why not take advantage of your blog traffic on your own and have worked out to get better returns. 

In general, in a blog, you can sell two types of products; It can be a digital product or a physical product.

However, whatever you select to sell, you need to ensure that it is something your target audience is interested to purchase 

In the case of a physical product, you can decide to go for a high-selling physical product on Amazon as per your selected niche.

If you wish to sell a digital product, you can decide to go for a high-selling digital product on the kindle section of Amazon, as per your selected niche.

Similarly, you can also use various Amazon-like sites such as Share a Sale, JVZoo, Clickbank to sell products as per your niche.

In all the cases mentioned above, the key to better conversion is in case you choose to promote the products to the people on your email list 

Thus, it is crucial to figure out how you will add your target audience to your email list to promote the products. 

Make the process of getting email Ids simple.

To do this, what you need to do is to offer something that solves an ongoing problem of your target viewer. You will exchange this giveaway, also called a Lead magnet, for an email address.

Then you create an exit intent pop-up, and a sidebar optin box to get an email of the visitors to the blog. For this, you can use the Hello Bar plugin.

A pop-up is a box with blank fields that come in between the screen, and visitors are prompted to fill in their name and email IDs. 

Later in this post, we’ll cover how you can use ‘Content Upgrades’ to generate signups for your blog.

Create thought-provoking content

Remember, if you do not have any visitors to your site, you will not get an email list and choose offers you promote.

Thus, you need to create thought-provoking content to get people to visit your site.

However, do not overthink and start writing content even if you are not an excellent writer.

Thus you only need to write better content as per your niche that has become successful earlier.

To make the content better, you need to make it in-depth.

You can also make the content with colored visuals, as little research has indicated that content with colored visuals increases the intent to read it by 80%.

Furthermore, content with relevant images gets 94% more views.

You can also consider adding GIFs to make it more engaging and entertaining. GIFs are also liked on social media and thus increase the possibility of shares. 

Adding a video is another option you can consider to make it more engaging.

You can add headers to make reading easier to break up the content.

To improve readability, you may provide a free checklist to the audience, which they can refer to when away from a computer. This is called a Content upgrade

Adding content upgrades may be an effective way to generate signups for your blog. 

Finally, do create content upgrades for all the blog posts.

Initially, you do it for the top five posts on your website.

This will help you capture the majority of the visitors who will visit and read your content.

Make visitors read your content

The next thing to do is get visitors to read your blog content, ensuring that people visit the site in the first phase.

There are multiple ways to get visitors to your blog and not rely on only one method.

You should attempt and bring on another method as soon as one starts working.

You can start guest posting as the first method to get traffic to your site, and it is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your blog post.

However, surprisingly, only 6% of the bloggers publish most of their content as guest posts. 

You will realize soon that guest posts can generate dividends for months to come.

You can also use PPC (Pay Per Click) traffic to drive traffic to your site apart from guest posting.

A word of caution here: you may lose money if you have no experience buying online advertising.

You may also go for Facebook ads as it may be another best place to start.

You can also get traffic by having people share your blog content.

For this, you may get the Buzzsumo plugin to find out who shared those content ideas you found using Ahrefs, another helpful site.

How to ensure continuous traffic to your blog in the long term

You will have to make a few changes here and there to get improved results in the future to earn money.

Another thing you can do is to open up your blog to guest posts.

It may benefit your readers as they will have a different perspective on your site.

To do this, you need to put up a notice declaring that you are accepting guest posts for your website.

Another method to increase traffic you can use is the split test.

With the Split test, you can increase profit over time.

You can also encourage people to leave their comments on the content in the first place.

You can also create a Facebook group of individuals who are readers of your blog post.

Once you become successful, you will understand how to work with a sound strategy and tactics in place.

In an overall process for earning money, affiliate marketing is a critical element.

It is a reliable way for bloggers to earn revenue. 


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