Affiliate Marketing for Beginners in 7 Easy Stages

We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post without any additional cost to you.

Affiliate Marketing; Affiliate Marketing for Beginners

Are you a Business Owner not making enough profits?

Are you an employee stuck in a high demanding career but not making enough bucks?

Are you a freelancer looking for a stable source of income?

Are you someone looking for financial independence?

Here is the solution in which you can make online money with the help of just a simple website.

You also do not need to own a product or service to offer, and here comes the concept what is Affiliate or Affiliated Marketing.

As per an estimate, the Affiliate Marketing industry has crossed $16 billion and is expected to grow exponentially in 2022 and beyond.  

Thus, you can choose affiliate marketing as a career today to reap the benefits of this monstrous business opportunity.

Now, let us understand various aspects related to Affiliate Marketing for beginners.

What is Affiliate Marketing for Beginners? 

In Affiliate Marketing, you facilitate the sale of a company product by promoting it on various platforms and, in turn, getting a commission on the sale.

Commissions can be a fixed amount or given as a percentage of sales.

Thus, Affiliate Marketing for beginners is the most viable option for making an earning and this is it which will give you an idea about this topic.

In the above context, “affiliate” means someone who promotes any product and/or service in return for a commission. They are also known as marketing affiliate.

Why you should go for Affiliate Marketing

Before we venture into how to affiliate marketing, we should understand as why to Affiliate Marketing, what is an affiliate market, which goes as follows:

  • Lesser risk and cost

There are a lot of risks, and expenses are involved in a business. As with business, it has ingredients of the cost related to products and human resources. What is required here is a simple website, and it with the minimum of risk as the expense involved is negligible.

  • Simple Execution

As an affiliate marketer, you can promote and sell numerous products of various companies and earn commission in an affiliate marketplace. While in case of a businessman or an employee related to a company can sell products for one company only.

However, there is a word of caution. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

This is not something to make you rich overnight. This requires continuous dedication and hard work. 

Affiliate marketing how it works?

To calculate the commission, in the case of affiliate marketing for companies, a company provides a unique affiliate link to Affiliate Marketer to track the sale made by each individual. 

Here is how a typical Affiliate link looks like :

If a visitor clicks the above link, it leads to the generation of a small file (Cookie) on their device.

This affiliate cookie primarily executes the following:

1. It facilitates the seller to link sales back to the right person (Affiliate marketer);

2. Since Cookie has an expiration date, even if there is a delay in the purchase by the buyer, the Affiliate Marketer gets the commission.

How affiliate marketing as beginners will help earn money?

Above, I have shown you the enormous potential Affiliate Marketing has. Thus With Affiliate Marketing sky is the limit for you as far as earning potential is concerned.

Furthermore, it also depends upon your other related factors like niche and hard work you put in. 

To give you a glimpse of earning potential, here is the list of Affiliate marketers and the earnings they have made through Affiliate Marketing:

  • Pat Flynn $ 55,000
  • Affiliate Summit : $1,00,000 to $ 5,00,000
  • Jeremy Schoemaker : $80,000
  • Finch Sells. 15,000 – $ 25,000
  • John Chow. $ 40,000 50 $ 50,000
  • Darren Rowse $ 40,000 50 $ 45,000

From the above examples, you can understand that most successful affiliate marketers earn up to six figures in a month.

You also need to realize that these people have worked hard to reach this income level, and success has not come to them overnight.

Having said this, you should set your expectations accordingly, and there are no instant results in Affiliate Marketing and that you need to have self-motivation to move ahead.

This also foretells that you can also replicate the success others have achieved with a proper combination of hard work and reasonable efforts.

Affiliate marketing – How to Start with

You need to follow these steps to move ahead with Affiliate Marketing.

Stage #1: Finalize a platform

Affiliate Marketing can be started by various platforms. A Few examples are :

  1. Affiliate marketing for bloggers
  2. Affiliate marketing for youtube
  3. Affiliate marketing for books
  4. Affiliate marketing for facebook
  5. Affiliate marketing for wordpress
  6. Affiliate marketing for real estate
  7. Affiliate marketing for walmart
  8. affiliate marketing for ecommerce
  9. Affiliate marketing for mobile
  10. Affiliate marketing for travel
Affiliate Marketing; YouTube

Although from experience, it has been noticed that you can build an ecosystem of audience and make affiliate sales quickly through a blog as well as YouTube Channel

With the small initial cost, you can start a blog, and you can take the help of online tutorials to learn the process, which is very simple. 

After the website is started, you need to optimize it for search engines to get better traffic on it. Additionally, you can add an affiliate link to your content to promote and make a sale.

As mentioned above, another popular platform is YouTube, in which you can create and upload content. Like a blog, you can also optimize Youtube videos for ranking in search engines and add affiliate links inside the description. Viewers or prospective clients can go through those descriptions and can purchase the affiliated products through those links.

However, as a policy, Affiliate Marketer must disclose the presence of affiliate links in the content and Youtube description. This is as per the guidelines of The Federal Trade Commission.

Affiliate Marketing; Affiliate Blog SEO

Stage #2: Select your niche

To have a better chance of ranking in the search engine, you must have a niche or a topic focusing on a specific category. 

To illustrate, “Dance” is a broad category. However, when we talk about Punjabi Dance, it becomes more specific.

Thus you must keep in mind the niche and write blog content around that niche to rank better in search engines for that particular topic. 

Stage #3: Select the affiliate programs to work with

Primarily there are 3 types of affiliate program you can start working with. These are :

A. High-paying, low-volume 

In these affiliate programs, there are having high commissions.

There is more competition because of its being of low volume. It is difficult for a newcomer to start with this niche type since he is not very much conversant with the nitty-gritty of Affiliate Marketing.

B. Low-paying, high-volume 

In this type of affiliate program, there are having low commissions with massive volume.

Thus it is essential that to get a handsome amount of commission, you must work hard to get voluminous traffic.

C. High-paying, high-volume 

In these affiliate programs, there are having high commissions with high volume.

Thus there is fierce competition in these niches, and it becomes difficult to get success in this quickly.

Thus the selection of an affiliate program depends on your experience and type of niche.

As a beginner, it is ideal if you go with low payouts and higher sales volume, which will give you an excellent start to have enough confidence to move ahead.

You can also take the help of Google Search to find an appropriate affiliate program.

Stage #4: Write high-quality Blog content

The next step in successful affiliate marketing is writing great content in line with your niche product.

Try extra hard to solve the problems visitors have and suggest the products it will crack.

Start with the products you own and then go with what you purchase at a later stage.

Stage #5: Make efforts to drive traffic to your site

Once you start quality content, the next logical stage is to get traffic in terms of people to read it.

Here are three traffic strategies to consider:

A. Traffic thru paid means

B. Search engine optimization (SEO)

C. Email list building

Stage #6: Affiliate links on content

The next logical step is to make efforts so that people visiting your website click on your affiliate links.

Affiliate Marketing Link; Affiliate Marketing

Step #7: Convert clicks to sales

In affiliate marketing, two types of conversions take place to generate revenue.

The first type is the click by the visitor on the product page.

This is a better way of getting results, and your efforts should be to improve your chances of visitors clicking on the product.

The second type of conversion is in which site visitor clicks for direct buying of the item. In this case, the seller has control over checkout, and thus you have the least control.

The key is to use the tactics to your benefit and look for sellers with a high-converting affiliate program.


In this article, we have tried to cover what’s affiliate marketing all about for beginners and have touched on the basics to give you a fair idea of where to start if you want to go with affiliate marketing and make it a career option.

However, it requires dedication and perseverance to succeed, and you must be committed to getting successful with this affiliate marketing for beginners 2022 guide. However, it takes time for sure to become successful.

Start slowly but keep proper focus to grow and continue with the venture.

With time you will get success in it, this is for sure. You may go through this affiliate marketing beginners guide, which will help you as a stepping stone to move up the ladder.

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